You all might be knowing about Samsung’s first Tizen O.S. Smartphone, ‘Samung Z’ which is available in the market already. But now, another Tizen Powered Smartphone is in rumors, namely, Samsung ZeQ.The Samsung ZeQ has appeared in eBay website with number code SM-Z9005, but now, there is another picture from FCC. The phone is in talks to use QHD screen and powered by Qualcom chipset.The Samsung ZeQ sports a 4.8inch Screen Size, having Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor, and packs a powerful 2600mAh battery. The phone had been to be released last december, but was cancelled, and was overcome by Samsung Z. The Samsung ZeQ is now heading to Japanesse market.Further news will be posted after more information. Stay tuned with us to get more updates! Why not subscribe the newsletter?Also, don’t forget to share.